Have you heard?

There will be a


over Cleveland, Ohio on

Monday, April 8, 2024 at 3:13 PM!


  FREE PAIR of  Eclipse Shades Solar viewers

with every t-shirt order!

Watch the Video and Read the Accompanying Description

What is it?

It’s a total solar eclipse, where the Moon totally blocks out the Sun, so that the Moon’s shadow will pass over Cleveland, Ohio for almost 4 minutes!


Day will turn into night as the bright sunshine is suddenly extinguished to a deep twilight! (For more info, see Eclipses Explained.)


I think I’ve seen one before, right?


No! Not unless you travelled! The last total solar eclipse over Cleveland was in 1806!  The next one will be in the year 2444!  These are very rare! 


If you did see a total solar eclipse, you wouldn’t “think,” you’d know for sure! It’s an unforgettable experience!

You probably saw a lunar eclipse or a partial solar eclipse! Cleveland has had many of those over the years! (For more info about these, see Eclipses Explained.)



What will I see?


The show begins with a partial solar eclipse phase, lasting over an hour, in which the Moon steadily covers over the Sun, blocking a larger and larger percentage. The Moon’s partial shadow creeps across the landscape during this time.

This is followed by TOTALITY, a phase of

total eclipse, in which the full shadow of the

Moon quickly passes over Cleveland, so that

the Moon completely blocks 100% of the

Sun for 3 minutes and 50 seconds!

Phase Begins
Partial 1:59 PM
Total 3:13 PM
Partial 3:17 PM

 Following totality is another partial solar eclipse phase, also lasting over an hour, in which the Moon steadily uncovers the Sun. The Moon’s partial shadow moves off until the entire total solar eclipse event is over.

(For more info, see The Eclipse Experience.)

This is followed by TOTALITY, a phase of

total eclipse, in which the full shadow of the

Moon quickly passes over Cleveland, so that

the Moon completely blocks 100% of the

Sun for 3 minutes and 50 seconds!

Phase Begins
Partial 1:59 PM
Total 3:13 PM
Partial 3:17 PM

 Following totality is another partial solar eclipse phase, also lasting over an hour, in which the Moon steadily uncovers the Sun. The Moon’s partial shadow moves off until the entire total solar eclipse event is over.

(For more info, see The Eclipse Experience.)

This is followed by TOTALITY, a phase of

total eclipse, in which the full shadow of the

Moon quickly passes over Cleveland, so that

the Moon completely blocks 100% of the

Sun for 3 minutes and 50 seconds!

Phase Begins
Partial 1:59 PM
Total 3:13 PM
Partial 3:17 PM

Following totality is another partial solar eclipse phase, also lasting over an hour, in which the Moon steadily uncovers the Sun. The Moon’s partial shadow moves off until the entire total solar eclipse event is over.  (For more info, see The Eclipse Experience.)

Where can I see it?

The eclipse will be visible anywhere outside! Whether you're viewing from your backyard, a sidewalk, or any street corner, you will be sure to have a spectacular view! A wide open field with a clear horizon is ideal! Anywhere in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and 2/3 of the state of Ohio!   


A total solar eclipse is a human experience and ought to be a social event enjoyed in the company of others. Visit The Eclipse Experience to learn about the visible phenomena and for a list of local eclipse events.

Is it safe to watch?


Yes! It is TOTALLY SAFE to look directly at the Sun during TOTAL ECLIPSE! 


It is also totally safe to look at the partial eclipse phase if viewing through Eclipse Shades or another proper type of solar filter. Eclipse Shades brand solar viewing glasses have a reflective surface and are made of a special black material that blocks MOST of the Sun’s bright light, along with filtering out ALL of the infrared rays and ALL of the ultraviolet.


(Some people initially are reluctant to look at the Sun through Eclipse Shades, but once you take a look, it instantly becomes clear that Eclipse Shades are SO DARK that you really can’t see anything BUT the Sun! In addition, you can use Eclipse Shades to safely view the Sun anytime, even when there’s not an eclipse.  You can sometimes see sunspots!)

You can also look at the Sun through #14 welding gfladd or view at a projected image of the Sun, but it is much cooler to view the eclipsed Sun directly and safely using Eclipse Shades!

(See The Eclipse Experience and Eclipse Misconceptions for more information on safe eclipse viewing.) 

Phase Safe?
Partial No! Wear eclipse shades!
Total Yes! Take off eclipse shades!
Partial No! Wear eclipse shades!

Where do I get Eclipse Shades?

Right here! 

Order Eclipse Over Cleveland Eclipse Shades for you and your friends and family! 


There are about 3 million people in Greater Cleveland and EVERYONE will want a pair on Eclipse Day! Except, NOT EVERYONE will have a pair because quantities are limited! 


Eclipse Shades will be highly in demand as the time approaches!

Plan ahead and order early to make sure you and your friends

and family are prepared for the Eclipse Over Cleveland! 

Commemorative design! Collector’s item!

Includes information for viewing the eclipse from Cleveland!

Where do I get Eclipse Shades?

Right here! 

Order Eclipse Over Cleveland Eclipse Shades for you and your friends and family! 


There are about 3 million people in Northeast Ohio and EVERYONE will want a pair on Eclipse Day! Except, NOT EVERYONE will have a pair because quantities are limited! 


Eclipse Shades will be highly in demand as the time approaches!

Plan ahead and order early to make sure you and your friends and family are prepared for the Eclipse Over Cleveland! 

* * * * *

Good Planning Includes Ordering Eclipse Shades!

Don’t wait!  Demand will spike as Eclipse Day 2024 approaches.  Beat the rush and order your Shades early, for you and your friends and family!

Commemorative design! Collector’s item!

Includes the times of eclipse phases and instructions for viewing from Cleveland.

Made in the USA!

These are the real thing! They're NOT those unsafe eclipse glasses sold on that big tech online seller site during the 2017 eclipse!


Eclipse Over Cleveland is an approved Distributor of Safe Solar Filters & Viewers by the American Astronomical Society.

Eclipse Shades are produced by Rainbow Symphony, an approved Manufacturer of Safe Solar Filters & Viewers 

by the American Astronomical Society.

Eclipse Shades are CE certified, meets the requirement for
ISO 12312-2:2015

“Filters for direct observation of the sun.”

Not from Cleveland? 

Check out our

Eclipse Over Ohio Shades!




We have finally exhaused our online inventory of

Eclipse Shades solar viewers. 

Please consult our local retailers for in-person sales (see below).

NOTE! You can still SAFELY view the partial eclipse phases without Eclipse Shades!  LEARN MORE  about viewing partial eclipse phases using projected methods.

ALSO!  We still have Eclipse Over Cleveland

and Eclipse Over Ohio t-shirts!


Visit the following retail establishments around the Cleveland area.

East Side

Mac's Backs - 1820 Coventry Rd, Cleveland Heights, 216-321-2665 

West Side
Sixth City Cycles - 4274 Pearl Rd, Old Brooklyn, 216-282-7794

B & L Comics - 5591 Ridge Rd, Parma, 440-886-3077

Eye Optical Inc. - 5249 Broadview Rd, Parma, 216-351-7400


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